
095000-544# 23670-09070 095000-566# 095000-552# 23670-09060
095000-5440 23670-30140 095000-5660 095000-5520 23670-0L070
095000-592# 23670-39215 095000-588# 095000-593# 23670-39275
095000-5920 23670 09330 095000-5880 095000-5930 23670 09061
095000-5921 23670 30280 095000-5881 095000-619# 23670 30240
095000-676# 23670 39216 23670-30050 095000-6190 23670 39276
095000-6760 236700L020 23670 39095 095000-738# 2367009360
095000-703# 2367039185 2367039096 095000-7380 2367030300
095000-7030 2367039316 23670-39095 095000-739# 2367030100
095000-740# 23670-09330 23670 39096 095000-7390 2367039235
095000-7400 23670-30280 23670-39096 095000-775# 23670-09360
095000-741# 23670-39216 2367030050 095000-7750 23670-30300
095000-7410 23670 0L020 23670 30050 095000-776# 23670-30100
095000-754# 23670 39185 2367039095 095000-7760 23670 0L010
095000-754# 23670 39316 095000-581# 095000-7761 23670 39235
095000-7540 236700L050 095000-5810 095000-853# 2367009060
095000-778# 2367039186 095000-706# 095000-8530 236700L070
095000-7780 23670-0L020 095000-7060 095000-874# 2367039275
095000-7781 23670-39185 1495919 095000-8740 23670-0L010
095000-822# 23670-39316 6C1Q-9K546-BB SM095000-775# 23670-39235
095000-8220 23670 0L050 RM6C1Q9K546BC SM095000-7750 23670 09060
095000-829# 23670 39186 6C1Q 9K546 BB SM095000-776# 23670 0L070
095000-8290 2367009070 6C1Q9K546BC SM095000-7760 23670 39275
9709500-544 2367030140 RM6C1Q-9K546-BC SM095000-7761 2367009061
9709500-592 2367039215 6C1Q 9K546 BC 23670-09061 2367030240
9709500-754 23670-0L050 6C1Q-9K546-BC 23670-30240 2367039276
9709500-778 23670-39186 LR006803 23670-39276 23670 30100
9709500-822 23670 09070 6C1Q9K546BB 23670 09360 236700L010
9709500-829 23670 30140 RM6C1Q 9K546 BC 23670 30300 2367030280
23670 39215 2367009330 2367039216
295050-018# 295050-020# 095000-555# 095000-560# 8-97329703-1
295050-0180 295050-0200 095000-5550 095000-5600 8-97329703-5
295050-0181 295050-046# 095000-831# SM095000-560# 8973297031
295050-052# 295050-0460 095000-8310 SM095000-5600 8973297035
295050-0520 23670-30400 9709500-831 1465A041 8-97329703-2
SM295050-018# 2367030400 33800-4570# 095000-547# 8-97329703-6
SM295050-052# 23670-39365 338004570# 095000-5470 8973297032
23670-0L090 2367039365 33800-45700 095000-5471 8973297036
236700L090 23670 30400 3380045700 095000-5472 095000-890#
23670-09350 23670 39365 33800 4570# 095000-5473 095000-8900
2367009350 8-97609788-1 33800 45700 095000-5474 095000-8901
23670 0L090 8-97609788-5 8-98284393-1 095000-5475 095000-8902
23670 09350 8-98160061-2 8982843930 9709500-547 9709500-890
095000-636# 8976097882 8982843931 8-97329703-# 8-98151837-0
095000-6360 8976097886 095000-635# 8-97329703-3 8981518370
095000-6363 8981600613 095000-6350 897329703# 8-98151837-1
095000-6364 8-97609788-2 095000-6351 8973297033 8981518371
095000-6365 8-97609788-6 095000-6352 8-97329703-0 8-98151837-2
095000-6366 8-98160061-3 095000-6353 8-97329703-4 8981518372
9709500-636 8976097883 9709500-635 8973297030 8-98151837-3
095000-893# 8981600610 23670-E0050 8973297034 8981518373
095000-8930 8-97609788-3 23670E0050 095000-6594 RE524382
095000-8931 8-98160061-0 23910-1440 9709500-659 RE529118
095000-8932 8976097880 239101440 23670-E0010 SE501926
095000-8933 8976097884 23670 E0050 23670 E0010 095000-631#
9709500-893 8981600611 VH23670E0050 VH23670E0010 095000-6310
8-97609788-0 095000-066# 23910 1440 095000-649# 095000-6311
8-97609788-4 095000-0660 095000-659# 095000-6490 RE530362
8-98160061-1 9709500-066 095000-6590 095000-880# RE531209
8976097881 295900-066# 095000-6591 095000-8800 SE501925
8976097885 295900-0660 095000-6592 HU095000-880# RE546784
8981600612 8-98284393-0 095000-6593 RE546781
095000-580# 095000-544# 23670-09070 095000-566# 095000-670#
095000-5800 095000-5440 23670-30140 095000-5660 095000-6700
095000-5801 095000-592# 23670-39215 095000-588# 095000-6701
6C1Q-9K546-AC 095000-5920 23670 09330 095000-5880 9709500-670
1372379 095000-5921 23670 30280 095000-5881 VG1540080017A
71794621 095000-676# 23670 39216 23670-30050 095000-607#
6C1Q 9K546 AC 095000-6760 236700L020 23670 39095 095000-6070
RM6C1Q 9K546 AC 095000-703# 2367039185 2367039096 9709500-607
1378432 095000-7030 2367039316 23670-39095 6251-11-3100
1980 J7 095000-740# 23670-09330 23670 39096 6251 11 3100
6C1Q9K546AB 095000-7400 23670-30280 23670-39096 6251113100
RM6C1Q9K546AC 095000-741# 23670-39216 2367030050 095000-610#
1812618 095000-7410 23670 0L020 23670 30050 095000-6100
1980J7 095000-754# 23670 39185 2367039095 095000-6101
6C1Q-9K546-AB 095000-754# 23670 39316 095000-121# 095000-6102
RM6C1Q-9K546-AC 095000-7540 236700L050 095000-1210 095000-6103
71724128 095000-778# 2367039186 095000-1211 9709500-610
6C1Q 9K546 AB 095000-7780 23670-0L020 095000-1212 SM095000-610#
6C1Q9K546AC 095000-7781 23670-39185 9709500-121 095000-698#
23670-0L050 095000-822# 23670-39316 6156-11-3300 095000-6980
23670-39186 095000-8220 23670 0L050 6156 11 3301 095000-6981
23670 09070 095000-829# 23670 39186 6156113302 095000-6982
23670 30140 095000-8290 2367009070 6156-11-3301 095000-6983
23670 39215 9709500-544 2367030140 6156 11 3302 9709500-698
2367009330 9709500-592 2367039215 6156-11-3302 SM095000-698#
2367030280 9709500-754 9709500-822 6156113300 8-98011604-0
2367039216 9709500-778 9709500-829 6156113301 8-98011604-4
8-98011604-7 095000-969# 095000-5135 9709500-637 095000-5514
8980116040 095000-9690 HU095000-507# 8-97609789-0 095000-5515
8980116044 095000-9691 HU095000-5070 8-97609789-4 095000-5516
8980116048 095000-9692 16600 AW400 8976097891 9709500-551
8-98011604-8 095000-9693 16600-AW40C 8976097895 8-97603415-#
8980116041 095000-9694 16600AW420 8-97609789-1 8-97603415-3
8980116045 095000-9695 16600 AW40C 8-97609789-5 8-97603415-7
8980116049 095000-9696 16600-AW420 8976097892 8976034152
8-98011604-1 9709500-969 16600 AW420 8976097896 8976034156
8-98011604-5 1J500-53051 16600AW400 8-97609789-2 8-97603415-0
8-98011604-9 1J500 53051 16600-AW400 8-97609789-6 8-97603415-4
8980116042 1J50053051 16600AW40C 8976097893 897603415#
8980116046 095000-507# 095000-637# 8-97609789-3 8976034153
8980558623 095000-5070 095000-6370 8976097890 8976034157
8-98011604-2 095000-513# 095000-6371 8976097894 8-97603415-1
8-98011604-6 095000-5130 095000-6372 095000-551# 8-97603415-5
8-98055862-3 095000-5131 095000-6373 095000-5510 8976034150
8980116043 095000-5132 095000-6374 095000-5511 8976034154
8980116047 095000-5133 095000-6375 095000-5512 8-97603415-2
8-98011604-3 095000-5134 095000-6376 095000-5513 8-97603415-6
095000-695# 16600 AW40C 8976034151 8976034155 16600 AW400
095000-6950 16600-AW420 095000-5134 095000-5130 16600-AW40C
095000-6951 16600 AW420 095000-5135 095000-5131 16600AW420
9709500-695 16600AW400 HU095000-507# 095000-5132 16600AW40C
23670-E0330 16600-AW400 HU095000-5070 095000-5133 23670 E0330
23670E0330 095000-5070 095000-507# 095000-513#
0950006700 0950006791 0950005511 0950005214 095000O231
0950008011 0950008100 0950005515 0950005223 0950006280
0950008010 0950005471 0950006353 0950008730 0950006120
0950006790 0950008901 0950006593 0950001211 0950006070
0950000452 0950006501 0950006395 0950005483 0950006363
0950006382 0950005351 0950000145 0950005050

Our Spare Parts Advantage:
Multiple resource to meet different clients' request.
We have the parts original from truck/machine factory, the parts from supply factory, who supply to
SINOTRUK, SHACMAN…../we have parts which are from other big parts factory, but quality is also
good and economical. In this case, clients can have more choice in both price and brands.
Quality Control
We have strict quality control on each spare parts. Each cooperate factory are selected strictly by our
technical engineers. When selecting suppliers, they not only inspect the parts quality, but also inspect
their material, their craftsmanship and their technic improvement ability. In this case, we can ensure
most of our parts are durable on market.
Lower Transport Cost
As we know, most spare parts are heavy and most of our clients are far away from China. So the
economical transport cost is more important. To lower clients' purchase cost, we built special
cooperation with DHL, TNT and FedEX, so Clients' cost is much lowered.

Why Choose Us
All small qantities are avaliable
Supply neutral pcking
3.Custom made
All products can be customized according to your needs
We will offer you in 24 hours when we receiving you enquires
All products have been tested on test benches.Test data is qualified
6.Trade Assurance
Product quality protection,on-time shipment protection ,payment protection
Contact person: Ada

ShanDong LZY Nozzle Fuel Pumps Co.Ltd., is located in Peony District, Heze City, Shandong Province, north of the Yellow River, east of Taishan, is located convergence of Jinan, Taian, Heze, Liaocheng that is equally 60 kilometers away from each of above, and boasts the National Road 105 line, 220 line and Ji Mint expressway throughout the territory. The company is a professional limited liability company to develop and produce fuel triple couplings of high precision and common rail injector parts.
It includes two subsidiaries: LY Fuel Injection Technology Co., Ltd.; Heze Bochi Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
The main products include S series, P series, PDN series, PN series, SD series nozzle coupling, p series injector Assembly, PS7100 series plunger, oil valve coupling, rebuild common rail injector assembly, new common rail injector, valve components, pump nozzles, oil pumps and other more than 1500 varieties. Our products range covers the main varieties and models of diesel engines at in domestic and abroad which is widely used in automobiles, construction machinery, petroleum machinery, vessels and other diesel power machinery.The company has authorized import & export licence and products are sold throughout the home country, European countries, Central Asia, Southeast Asia.
Science & technology is the first productive drive. Technology is the cornerstone to promote the progress and development of enterprises. After several years of unremitting efforts, we adopt and cultivate a group of knowledgeable and experienced engineers and skilled worker. We implement the joint strategy between enterprises and native institutes to further enhance the strength of product development and technology application. In 2002, the company introduced a number of advanced, fully functional sophisticated equipment of production and testing to introduce new processes and combine new techniques with fabrications in order to comprehensively enhance the company's comprehensive strength and development space and enormously improved the quality and capacity, some products has met the European V, Euro IV emission standards
Relying on the quality to build reputation, relying on reputation to develop market, rely on market to increase effectiveness, relying on effectiveness to promote development. All along, we regard quality as the life of the enterprise, the quality products as the magic weapon on competitive market, the quality management as the top priority of enterprise management. The company has passed ISO/TS16949 international automotive quality management system certification and ISO9002 quality system certification, to ensure efficient provide of quality products and services. ShanDong LZY Nozzle Fuel Pumps Co.Ltd. has always been committed to guide and explore the positive factors of the staff on strategy of correcting, cultivating, promoting and carrying to sync with the enterprise's development strategy and targets and coagulate the cohesion of entrepreneur's development. We make the diesel fuel injection system, the source of power to float success and create the future: ShanDong LZY Nozzle Fuel Pumps Co.Ltd. has the ambition to act as industry leader to win market with partners all over the world. We sincerely welcome domestic and foreign merchants to visit the and cooperate.
